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Why Camel Milk

Ask any doctor, and they will tell you: one of the best ways to lead a healthy life is through proper nutrition. Yet, you cannot expect this topic to come up proactively when you find yourself in a doctor's office.

The problem lies in their education; doctors have historically received almost no nutritional training. That limits their ability to offer you valuable information and discuss it with you. During four years of medical school, most students spend fewer than 20 hours on nutrition. This is completely disproportionate to its health benefits for patients. A major opportunity is lost every day in treating various conditions.

We know that autism has a lot to do with gut health and a nutritively starving brain. I cannot envision a path to recovery if you don't transform how your child interacts with food. You will need to make substantial changes along the way. Also, you will need to follow and incorporate multiple diets simultaneously because these kids have multiple problems that need to be addressed.

My biggest problem was how to lower the number of not-so-desirable bugs in his gut. I would occasionally get great stool and urine results which would indicate that his gut microbiome is in balance, but the cycle would repeat and those certain bugs would multiply and overpopulate.

For the first few years, my son was on serious medication and protocols for killing systemic yeast overgrowth and C. Difficile. The longer you use those, the greater the chances of affecting the child’s liver or kidneys. In between, my son would be on a strict diet and herbal supplements. But as I said, we went on and on.

I needed something to help recover his immune system and gut lining and assist with regulating and balancing the microbiome.

"My son drinks camel milk and camel kefir."

  • Camel what?

People are usually very surprised when I say that I am using camel milk or camel kefir to supplement my son's diet.

But I can tell you one thing: parents of special needs kids or kids with any health challenge are usually left without the possibility to do anything to change that limitation. But it's in our human nature to have hope or faith that things can be different, that things can be better. Some of us just can't give up without trying whatever is available to us to make even the smallest changes in our kids' lives. Many of us are ready to go beyond any limits to find a way to improve our child's condition.

As a parent, you have a huge responsibility for your child and their health and the treatment plan you choose. Who you are going to believe, who you are going to listen to. The desire to help your child and see them healthy and happy will make you read and study every single paper ever published, treatment, or solution. That's how I got in contact with information about the benefits of camel milk in general.

I will share what research says, what I know, and my personal experience of using it.

Among the very first foods that we quit was regular cow's milk. In kids with autism, cow's milk causes many issues. And kids are highly addicted to it. They are addicted not only to milk but to cheese as well. At every birthday party or a special occasion where kids are present, you can just by observing them, and tell that they "loooove" cheese.

Addiction is a real thing, due to very addictive protein fragments derived from the digestion of the milk protein casein.

When casein breaks down in the stomach, it produces the peptide, casomorphin (an opioid), a morphine-like substance. It has also been shown to suppress the immune system, cause inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, and contribute to arterial plaque formation.

Before I turn back to camel's milk and its great benefits, let me make clear why cheese is more addictive than milk. I don't know if you ever tried to make cheese, but when I was little, my grandma used to make it. To get 1 lb of cheese, you have to use 10 lbs of milk. The rest is liquid that has to be drained and left behind, and you get 1 lb of concentrated casein and fat. Basically, you get a very high level of opioids in it. On the other side, it's a histamine releaser that triggers allergic sensitivities and reactions. As we know, all the food that we eat addictively is often the food we are either intolerant or allergic to.

Now that I have already touched on the story about protein, let me explain what kind of protein is in camel's milk. We have two types of protein in milk: casein and whey. The reason why I could use camel milk with my son is the fact that it doesn't have A1 beta-casein found in most western breeds of cows, which breaks down and produces casomorphine. Camel's milk contains A2 beta-casein, the same type of casein found in breast milk. Camel's milk whey protein has a significant source of protective molecules of lactoferrin, albumin, immunoglobulins, and peptidoglycan and, importantly, doesn't have beta-lactoglobulin, the major contributor to milk allergies in humans.

Now we touch on allergies; this is exactly why even very sensitive people and kids tolerate camel milk very well. With all these compounds in camel milk, reductions in allergic sensitivities occur in people who drink it regularly.

Vitamins and Minerals:

Camel milk contains vitamins C, A, E, D, and B group. It has a higher amount of vitamin C and niacin (B3) than cow's milk. It also has a significant amount of iron (Fe) compared to cow's milk. (Iron plays an essential role in numerous biological systems, including oxygen (O2) transport and storage because it's part of hemoglobin. It has a critical role in DNA replication and repair—we are talking epigenetics!)

Camel milk has a significant amount of copper (Cu) and a similar amount of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) as cow milk.


We already mentioned decreasing allergic reactions, but camel milk is also known to reduce gastrointestinal inflammation and improve or increase the secretion of mucosal IgA. Immunological regulation occurs due to the increased amount and different structures of immunoglobulins. The reason why I started giving it to my son was its amazing property to regulate immune function and influence chronic bacterial, fungal, and viral infections due to the high amount of lactoferrin and the unique structure of immunoglobulins. They have antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties and enable the healing of the lining of the small intestine to take place.


Fats are a hot subject in today's health guru circles. After being in the dark age for so long, we all know that healthy fat is a great thing to consume in our diet. Camel milk doesn't have short-chain fatty acids. It has a higher amount of medium to long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. "Camel milk has been utilized as a medicinal and healing food source for centuries. It has been studied for its medicinal value for over 30 years."

We had and still have amazing results using this extraordinary food. As with any supplement that is potent enough to interfere with your gut flora, camel milk can give you a die-off reaction as well. I remember when we started for the first time; my son had a big reaction all over his skin. It was not an allergic reaction because we went to see our doctor and made sure of what was going on. It was the huge kick-off of many things he had in his body. We backed off for a while.

Dealing with a body that is under methylating and not excreting toxins properly, you want to take it slow and low. I worked a little bit more on his diet, really cleaned it up, and restarted the milk again. The second time was much more tolerable, with many gains.

But during the cleansing program, I was doubtful because when a die-off reaction is going on, all the "negative" symptoms are magnified. He was off the antifungal medication, and I feared that yeast was just flaring up. A lot of mucus and yeast were visible in the stool. But when we did the test, it was obvious we had done a great job. Clostridia def. was in the normal range, his arabinose marker on the organic acid test was just slightly above the normal range, and it had been skyrocketing. A high level of arabinose on the OAT indicates the presence of candida overgrowth.

I was extremely happy and proud; it was a relief for me that we could control those bugs without using damaging medications. Overall, his immune system was much stronger, and he couldn't get sick easily during the wintertime. He would feel under the weather for a day or two but had no fever or need for antibiotics.

I am not talking about some miracle drink. Still, even by using it, you have to do your homework and cook a proper diet. It will help your body. Also, I am not talking about a quick repair; I am talking about using it as regular supplementation. From my perspective and experience, and the opinion of many health practitioners, camel milk has many advantages over cow's milk and is something to consider.

By being less allergenic, a great source of protein, iron, and vitamin C, having a high amount of protective proteins, having the amazing property of increasing immunoprotection in the small intestine, being antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral, having the ability to increase secretory IgA in the small intestine, having a high amount of immunoglobulins with more antibodies than breast milk and a unique structure of nanobodies that can reach much further into your immune system, not producing B(beta)casomorphin, and causing less oxidative stress, camel milk also improves glucose tolerance in type 2 diabetics (because insulin in camel milk possesses special properties that make absorption into circulation easier than insulin from other sources = it's linked to better insulin sensitivity).

Calcium in camel milk is more absorbable than found in other kinds of milk. Camel milk has a higher amount of bioavailable GABA (GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that regulates over-stimulation in the brain. It is involved in mood, sleep, focus, and growth hormone release).

Do we still use Camel Milk and Camel Milk Products?

Absolutely yes! Even when we travel, I bring frozen bottles of camel milk with me if I think it's needed. Now we can go longer periods without it, and it’s fine. But I can say that it is something I do not lack in my freezer regularly, I always have some frozen bottles.

In my 10 years of experience with camel milk, I have only gratefulness for its help on my journey to recovery of my son’s health.

The best way to incorporate camel milk into your daily routine is to talk to a health practitioner, research, and decide for yourself. (I would like to share an amazing story of how Camel Milk helped one boy.) You can also find Facebook groups to get more information and support.

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